Zuitt Website Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Zuitt Japan Inc., (“Zuitt”, “Company, “We”, “Us”) takes your privacy very seriously. We respect your privacy, and we are dedicated to protecting the information we collect from our users and visitors of our website.

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) expounds on how Zuitt gathers, utilizes, stores, and shares all the information we collect. It is the responsibility of the User (“You”) to read and understand this Policy. Clicking on the “I agree” or “I accept” button shall mean that you have carefully read this Privacy Policy, consent to and accept all the terms therein throughout the whole period of your use or access to the Zuitt website, services, assessments, softwares, and support (collectively, the “Service”) Proceeding to use our Service or accessing our website also means that you have fully agreed in all respects to the way we gather, utilize, store, and share information.

Changes in the Privacy Policy

Zuitt, in its sole discretion, may make changes to this Policy at any time. It is the responsibility of the User to always check the Policy for changes and updates. All changes made to the Policy will be uploaded on this page. We shall be updating the “Date last modified” also on this page as needed. Agreeing to any of our Service (i.e., clicking on the "I Agree" button or checkbox upon submitting any of our forms on the Service website) shall mean that you consent to the most recent version of our Privacy Policy. Forms include, but are not limited to:

  1. Application Form;
  2. Suitability Test;
  3. Online Survey; and
  4. Booking Form.

The consent and authorization you have granted pursuant to this Policy remains valid and subsisting during your use of the Service, the existence of your account, if any, or until otherwise revoked or canceled by you by properly notifying us according to the provisions herein. You understand and agree that your refusal to give consent to this Policy will result in the inability of Zuitt to provide you with the Service or any portion thereof.

Personal and Nonpersonal Information

  1. Collection of Personal Information

    1. Through our Websites and Services: When you apply for Zuitt Japanese Language Program, and all our Services, communicate with us, take part in assessments, surveys, or access our website, we collect personal information made available for us. These information include:
      1. First name;
      2. Last name;
      3. Location;
      4. Nationality;
      5. Age;
      6. Email address;
      7. Contact Number;
      8. Educational Attainment;
      9. Degree;
      10. Work Experience; and
      11. Preferred schedules;
    2. Through third-party website/s: We may also collect personal information when you sign up and connect with us through other apps, including third party apps. The information we gather from such an event depends on the other apps’ privacy settings. It is your responsibility to read and understand their privacy settings with any third party websites and apps.
      1. First name;
      2. Last name;
      3. Location;
      4. Nationality;
      5. Age;
      6. Email address;
      7. Contact Number;
      8. Educational Attainment;
      9. Degree;
      10. Work Experience; and
      11. Preferred schedules;
  2. Use of Collected Personal Information.

    Please note that we will not use your personal information for purposes related to marketing and advertising of any third party apps or services. We use the personal information we collect for various purposes. These include:

    1. Documentation purposes;
    2. Processing your application;
    3. Sending you assessments;
    4. Delivering services to you;
    5. Improving our website and services for you:
      1. We constantly strive to improve our Service and user experience. We will use your information to guide us in these efforts, to ensure that our Service remains at the cutting edge and to ensure that your user experience remains pleasant and efficient. In addition, we will also use your information for assessment, record-keeping, market analysis, and generation of reports;
      2. We may use the data to connect behavioral data on our platform with your customer profile and demographics; and
      3. We may use the data to extract patterns of behavior based on the profiles we can identify from the information you have given us.
    6. Responding to your requests, questions and comments;
    7. Processing your payments;
    8. Conducting research and analysis geared toward the improvement of services offered by Zuitt;
    9. Communicating with you for various reasons related to your use of the Service;
    10. To fulfill legal obligations or as required by law;
    11. Advertising and marketing our services like sending you information about promotions, services, and products. You may opt not to receive emails and notifications on ads and promotions by following our instructions on “Unsubscribing from Promotional Emails”;
    12. Analyzing performance of our marketing and advertising initiatives;
    13. Establishing, exercising, or defending, legal claims; and
    14. Any other purpose authorized by law.
  3. Storage, Retention and Destruction of Personal Information

    1. Storage: We make sure that all information collected from you shall be stored in organized and safe electronic storage facilities. To prevent unlawful or accidental modification, destruction, and access, we have set up and will continue to ensure implementation of strict Security Measures for data protection.
    2. Retention: For student applicants, personal information will not be retained longer than 1 year after date of application.
    3. Destruction: After the given retention period, all data collected shall be destroyed and disposed of through safeguarded processes.
  4. Access to Personal Information

    1. Access by Owner of the information. The owner of the personal or sensitive personal information can access his/her information upon request, for any purpose, except for reasons contrary to law, morals, public policy or public order. A User of our service may access and modify the information he/she has submitted in our website by sending us an email.
    2. Access by Authorized Personnel. Authorized personnel or representatives of the company are given access to personal information collected by the company. Information can be accessed by authorized personnel for those purposes listed in this policy, or for any purpose, except for reasons contrary to law, morals, public policy or public order.
  5. Disclosure, Sharing and Transfer of Personal Information.

    1. Zuitt may share, preserve, transfer, and disclose the personal information we collect only:
      1. To authorized personnel within the company;
      2. To companies that form part of our group of companies, to enable them to offer or improve their respective services or products;
      3. To organizations and service providers who need to know the information in order to process it on behalf of Zuitt and/or to help us provide our Services, to the extent needed to perform their duties and their functions, provided that they previously agreed not to disclose it to others;
      4. To Government authorities, in response to a legal request (like a search warrant, court order or subpoena) if we have a good faith belief that we are required to do so under the law;
      5. To Purchasers or potential purchasers of our rights and obligations relating to the services we provide. In this case, all information collected are deemed assets that may be transferred to such third parties;
      6. When Zuitt deems, in its sole discretion that disclosure is reasonably necessary for prevention of illegal activity, to enforce our Terms of Service, to protect the property rights of the company or of the general public, or to prevent financial harm or loss; and
      7. When required by the competent authorities and laws.
    2. The personal information Zuitt collects through our Service may further be transferred or transmitted to, stored and processed in other countries where our subsidiaries’ facility, employees, contractors, or other affiliated organizations are located. While these countries may not have the same Privacy Policy as the Philippines, Zuitt shall use contractual or other reasonable means to provide a comparable level of protection while the information is being processed in those countries.
  6. Collection of Non-Personal Information

    1. What are collected? When you visit our site or use our Service, some non-personal information are automatically collected. These data may include:
      1. Your PC’s IP address;
      2. The type of browsers you use;
      3. The websites you linked to our site;
      4. The computer language you use;
      5. Your PC’s operating system;
      6. Your access time;
      7. Information on your activity on our site; and
      8. The data from your projects.
  7. Uses of Non-Personal Information

    Please note that you cannot be identified from these information and these may only assist us in providing you with a more effective and seamless user experience. These information may be used for website analytics and other evaluations of site performance or of user activities to help us improve our service. Moreover, data from your projects may be collected and analyzed to help us in product evaluation and in conceptualizing features and innovations that aim to further help our users.

  8. Use of Cookies

    Cookies are small pieces of information stored in your computer by your browser. This identifies your device and helps you navigate through a website. They cannot collect personal information from you or your computer. We may use cookies to understand better how our users navigate through and interact with the content of our website. But you may opt to block cookies by checking and changing your browser settings.

  9. Protection of Your Data And Site Security

    Although Zuitt employs several organizational, technical and physical security measures to protect your data and personal information from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, modification, destruction and disclosure, you agree and understand that no security measures are 100% impenetrable. We will, however, conduct regular assessments of our security measures. The Company has no control, however, over any information you provide to third-party websites. When you click on these links, you effectively leave our website and our Service.

    To ensure your protection, we encourage you to read their privacy policies. We also have no control over third-party advertising companies that serve ads when you access or use our Service. They may use information about your visits to our website and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to you. While we will not provide them your personal information, we do not control their collection of information.

  10. Updating of Personal Information

    You may update your personal information by sending us an email at helpdesk@zuitt.co.

Contact Us

In relation to your personal information, you are entitled to the following rights:

  1. to access and make corrections to your personal information;
  2. to dispute the inaccuracy or error in the personal information;
  3. to object to the processing of your personal information or to request suspension, withdrawal, blocking, removal, or destruction of personal information;
  4. to complain and be indemnified for any damages sustained due to inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully obtained or unauthorized use of personal information;
  5. to be informed of the existence of processing of your personal information; and;
  6. to lodge a complaint before any competent authority/court.

To send an inquiry or file a complaint regarding the use of your personal information or regarding this privacy policy, you may send an email to our Competent Officer, [Allister Alambra] at privacy@zuitt.co. Inquiries will be addressed within 1-3 business days and complaints will be addressed within 3-5 business days upon receipt.